My Crisis Pregnancies Seemed Bleak — One Even Fatal — But In Life, There’s Hope.
By Tanya Beck When I was 9 weeks pregnant with my daughter Radley, my whole world was turned upside down. Her father told me that he wanted nothing to do with her, saying that I should turn to family to assist me because he wasn’t ready to be a dad. I left him 5 days after he told me that. He came home to my belongings packed and I left that very night and moved to a completely different county. If our daughter wasn’t welcome in his life, neither was I. I was so distraught. I had a life inside me that I always wanted, but the family I pictured my daughter having, she wasn’t going to have. Along our way, my pre-born daughter and I were faced with an abundance of roadblocks and judgements from loved ones. I endured my pregnancy completely alone, and going to appointments seeing excited soon-to-be dads didn’t make the situation any better. To make matters worse I developed abscess in my tooth and the doctors told me if the infection went to my bloodstre...