Born to a long-term alcoholic, ENDING my life would NOT have been an act of compassion. - but adoption was.
My name is Carla, but I wasn't born Carla. I was born Sara and I’m from Dublin , Ireland. My birth mother was a raging alcoholic, who chose life for me in 1988, even though she couldn't master her addiction. I was conceived in an abusive relationship. My mother’s drinking was quite unhealthy, but she was incredibly brave to have given me life. And as hard as it was, I know she did the right thing. My adoptive parents are wonderful and have never given up on me, even though I was a difficult child. From the age of 17, I began my own battle with alcoholism, which through the years got ugly. In 2013, on the 26th of December, I had invited over a friend I had known since I was about 10 years old. For some odd reason we began talking about my adoption. I don't know what led us to talk about it that day, but life was about to take a journey on a crazy rollercoaster. Within an hour of talking about my adoption, with help from my adoptive mother putting together piece...